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Working Group BETA-SOL

Working Group BETA-SOL

The activities on cicadas in potatoes are being coordinated and financed by a new working group. While the initial work was still ongoing, the initiators of the pilot project set up the BETA-SOL working group to perform the following tasks:

  1. Bridging the gap between research and practice
  2. Coordination and communication of content
  3. Submission of applications and coordination of projects
  4. Network presence in committees

In addition to the initiators from potato trading companies and the Association of Hessian-Palatinate Sugar Beet Growers and Agrarservice Hessen-Pfalz GmbH, representatives of the official and private advisory services, the ministries in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, the producer associations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse, the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME Giessen and the Universities of Giessen and Hohenheim have been appointed as members of the working group.

The office of the working group is located at Agrarservice Hessen-Pfalz GmbH, Rathenaustraße 10, D-67547 Worms.


Helen Pfitzner

Koordinatorin für Forschungsnetzwerke und
Wissenstransfer (ZikaNet)

Verband der Hess.-Pfälz. Zuckerrübenanbauer, Rathenaustraße 10, 67547 Worms

phone +49 (0) 160 / 972 702 00

In May 2023, a project of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) entitled "Securing potato cultivation in Hesse through innovative cicada management" (SIKAZIKA), in which Res Naturae acts as applicant and coordinator of the operational group.



News: Please note that all information stated below origin from German News sources and hence are only available in German.

Press release „Gefahr für die Versorgung mit heimischen Nahrungsmitteln: „Bakterielle
Welke“ an Karotten und Roter Beete“ (Verband der Hessisch-Pfälzischen Zuckerrübenanbauer e.V. (09/2024))

Press release  „BETA-SOL-Forschungsgruppe erwartet starke Schäden durch Zikaden – Tagung in Worms soll internationalen Dialog starten“ (Verband der Hessisch-Pfälzischen Zuckerrübenanbauer e.V. (08/2024))





